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graphic data中文是什么意思

用"graphic data"造句"graphic data"怎么读"graphic data" in a sentence


  • 图表资料
  • 图解数据
  • 图解形数据
  • 图形数据


  • Tables that are created with ccsid unicode must not contain graphic data types
    用ccsid unicode创建的表必须不包含图形化数据类型。
  • A product documents management system based on the integration of graphic data and text data
  • It is proposed that the scheme and implement of graphic data and text system based - on xml
  • Utf - 8 was chosen as the default format for character data columns , with utf - 16 for graphic data columns
    Utf - 8被选择为字符数据列的默认格式,其中utf - 16用于图形数据列。
  • An implementation like that makes use of the fact that functions like substr and length still work correctly on the graphic data type
  • Just on the contrary , workflow management technology , which can control workflow easily , itself is not able to manage enormous graphic data
  • Because of the need to include graphic data , you need patience to wait for a while about the keyboard keys to control the direction that the key forward , keys reverse
  • Combining mis with gis , which fuse the professional data and space data , could improve the level of digital information management of fire - fighting , and integrate graphic data and text
  • The traditional management information system can not integrate graphic data and text . if only using gis , we could solve the problem of a great deal graphic information effectively , but not the problem of processing of professional data
  • Gis ' s essential idea lies in combining the spatial geography graphic data with their expressed information , so realize to update graphic data and property information of spatial entities synchronously , to query bidirectionally , and to edit and operate graphic data
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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